Sep 22, 2023

The Process to the Promised Place: The Importance of a Spiritual Midwife

A spiritual midwife is a skilled and mantled individual that assists those who are carrying purpose with their prenatal care, labor and delivery, postpartum care, and in some cases infancy stages of their baby. The role of a spiritual midwife is not gender specific although traditionally women are midwives. God often uses metaphors such as birthing to describe a person of purpose or a special assignment an individual will birth. God implants seed in our spiritual wombs in order to produce His will in the earth. God also plants us, His righteous seed, in the earth to be fruitful and multiply.

Midwives are divinely sent to protect, cover, nurture, encourage, position, prophesy, examine, and deliver one's purpose and destiny. God will send specific individuals he ordained for you to walk with for a season or a lifetime depending on the assignment He has for you.

Examples of such relationships in the word include:

-Naomi and Ruth

-Mordecai and Esther, Hegai (the king's eunuch) and Esther

-Elijah and Elisha

-Paul and Timothy

-Jesus and His Disciples

-God himself has been the midwife of many who pioneered such as Abraham, Mary, Elijah, Jesus, John the Baptist, etc.

Why is this role important in the body of Christ?

A spiritual midwife preserves the lives that the enemy would love to destroy (Exodus 1). They have a fear of God that causes them to protect that which God has His hand on. It is important to recognize and discern that which is in your life to preserve your promise vs. that which seeks to miscarry what God has in you (Revelation 12:4). It is important to not put your spiritual care in just anyone's hands. Wait on the God sent! If you haven't found a midwife yet, it isn't needed yet.

Once God sends you a midwife your responsibility is to listen and follow their directions. It will save you and your baby's life. This requires trust and a bonding relationship. God will cause you and your midwife to join in covenant to establish the Kingdom of God in the earth.

During times of birthing your spirit is focused solely on the changes in your spirit so you may not be able to see things the way you normally would around you. Your midwife will be your spiritual brain in this time to help you with things that you may not can attend to and be your strength in which you can lean on when you become tired in the process. They will protect your environment, your baby while you are recovering after birth, and cover you if any complications were to happen. You are so enlarged that you can't see what's going on below you so they will cover you on all sides.

And to the midwives who carry this mantle...God says because you feared me and preserved that which I have brought to life I will bring you into your own family and I will deal well with you in the land (Exodus 1:20-21).

To learn more in depth of the role of a midwife here is a great book on the subject that I have referenced...
