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A Day in the Life of a Christian Single Woman: A Life of Contemplation

There is difference also between a wife and a virgin. The unmarried woman careth for the things of the Lord, that she may be holy both in body and in spirit: but she that is married careth for the things of the world, how she may please her husband. 1 Corinthians 7:34

Have you ever wondered what a typical day looks like as a single Christian woman?

I remember when I was in nursing school I would look up articles about “a day in the life of a nurse.” I would ask nurses, “What does a day on the job look like? What’s the hardest and most rewarding parts of the job?” It let me know what to look forward to and gave me insight on the things I would need to prepare for.

As a Christian single, you may have heard people say, “Wait on the Lord,” “Get busy for God,“ and "watch it's going to happen when you least expect it.” If you are like me you may wonder, “Well what do I do in the meantime? How do I stop worrying about the future?”

I read an article recently of a single woman in ministry and one of her concerns was the lack of consideration for singles in churches that talk mostly about families and married couples, when studies show there are more singles than there are married in America. She says even Paul says it is better to be single and it did not restrict whom he could and could not teach. She says we should be more aware of this and know that God never promised us a mate. There are many controversies about this, but it is something to be aware of as we are seeking God.

As I think about an everyday life of a single Christian woman, I cannot help but to think of nuns. They are women who profess to “marry” Jesus and to give their lives up for their faith. They are a part of the catholic faith, but I admire their heart to serve God. A catholic nun is “a woman who lives a contemplative life in a monastery and professes the perpetual solemn vows of poverty, celibacy and obedience.” “A catholic sister is a woman who lives, ministers and prays within the world taking on the same vows who is often called “active” or “apostolic” because she is engages in the works of mercy and other ministries that take the Gospel to others where they are.” I thought this was profound, they have devoted their lives to causes that have influenced the world in so many ways. Nuns are responsible for the largest private school system in America, America’s nonprofit hospital systems, persecuted for standing up for injustices and even assassinated for their causes. (

How much more can we as women who know the truth of the Word of God make a stamp on the world for Jesus?

James 1:27 says, “Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.”

So how can we stay devoted to God in our body and spirit in a world that is polluted?

We can live a contemplative life. A person who lives a contemplative life is devoted primarily to prayer, to deep thought or meditation. Even though we live a fast life in America, we can choose as singles to give up some things to be more devout to our Bridegroom Jesus. This doesn't mean we won't have a life, but it means He becomes our life.

I had never heard of this type of life, but it was more defined in times past from people like Mother Theresa, St. Gregory and St. Augustine. St. Gregory says contemplation was both the fruit of reflecting on the Word of God in scripture and a precious gift of God. He refers to contemplation as “resting in God.” It’s not done by your will, but it is inviting your heart and mind to unite as one with God, as He is tugging at you throughout the day.

I was talking to my coworker and we were talking about how there are women who are settling for men who are not best for them just to have companionship. One man told her the best thing he can give his wife is to not cheat on her because of how unfaithful he had been with previous women.

I know it can seem hopeless out here because loneliness can consume you, but I believe a life that is devoted to the causes of the Lord can be rewarding and fulfilling. God says he rewards those who diligently seek him. Do not fall into the traps of the enemy by thinking it's okay to compromise because of those around you. Nuns live in the same society as we do, but they are not looking to the world to show them how they should live and neither should we. There is no standard routine that I can give you because everyone has different schedules, but do what works best for you with this knowledge in mind.

What cause has God put in your heart? What is in your hand, like God asked Moses. Are you a settler or apostolic pioneer? What sacrifices can you make now to live a contemplative life?

I would love to hear from you in the comments of how you spend your day. How are you thriving in singleness? What keeps you encouraged? What struggles are you facing? What hinders your devotion to Christ alone?

Right now what is bringing me encouragement is weekly counseling where I can talk about my struggles and heal from the past to be prepared for where I am going. I also enjoy writing, reading and brainstorming things that can help others. One article from psychology today says contemplation increases creativity, memory, empathy and can bring healing of anxiety, depression and chronic pain. I have found this to be true. I love meditating on the Lord, opening my blinds to bring the sunshine in my home and looking out in the trees as I am in deep thought. My career gives me an inward fulfillment as I help the hurting and it gives me accountability to live what I preach. Something I am looking into also to keep me active is a ballet class or starting a meet up group to get out more.

I hope you were blessed.

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