Day 5: Don't Eat Your Seed! #21 Day Purity Challenge
The LORD shall open unto thee his good treasure, the heaven to give the rain unto thy land in his season, and to bless all the work of thine hand: and thou shalt lend unto many nations, and thou shalt not borrow. Deuteronomy 28:12
On Day 4 blog of the 21 Purity Challenge, we talked about the hedge of protection over us, our possessions, and over all that is connected to us. Today, I want to key in on our possessions (finances, jobs, gifts, trades, business, etc).
God mentions a lot of metaphors and comparisons of earthly things to communicate a spiritual message to us. In Isaiah 5, we see that a vineyard must be protected so that the crops are not eaten and that its fruit can come to full maturity for harvesting.
God has a hedge over our finances and all that we need to survive as long as we sow into His Kingdom and give back a portion of all He gives to us throughout the year. God says in Malachi 3, that He would rebuke the devourer and in Deuteronomy 28 he said that we would increase us in the land, if we follow His commands.
If you feel you are down to your last, and need a breakthrough, use what you do have as a seed. The bible says that which we sow, we will reap. Perhaps, you are without a seed…God’s word says that He would give seed to the sower (2 Corinthians 9:10). There are others ways to sow such as through prayer, weeping, mourning, and fasting.
When Abraham asked God, “How will I know that I will possess the land?” God asked him to sacrifice a variety of three-year old animals so that He could make a contract with Abraham so that Abraham would have a sign of the promise to come. When predators came to try to take some of Abraham’s sacrifice, Abraham drove them away. (Genesis 15)
Whatever is trying to steal your seed, I pray that you would ward it off in this season. Sow into your new year, and watch God give rain to your seed next month (Joel 2).
Journal Prompt: What do you have at your fingertips that you could use to sow? Include God as you are planning your year, even as you are trying to figure out your next career, work place, or business contract.