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From Apathy to Active in Purpose

Apathy is a spirit that comes to steal our hope, joy, and motivation. It waits for an opportunity to infiltrate our lives through our words, actions, and attitudes...

When you wake up in the morning and as you go on about your day what have you been declaring and releasing out of your mouth and spirit? Sometimes our subtle lack of enthusiasm for our job, purpose, or assignments from God can turn into a spiritual attack on our future due to our carelessness and lack of diligence in our walk with God.

I can admit that I have succumb to the tactics of this spirit time and time again due to my own fears, insecurities, and comparisons. I have allowed this spirit to bully me into a corner and silence the voice God gave me.

I didn’t realize the strength inside of me was most apparent during my times of weakness and that I should push forward to see the power of God manifest in my life.

Everything to a child of God is spiritual, so we must always be ready to combat spirits that are preventing us from moving forward in the Kingdom of God. Our spiritual armor which includes our sword of the spirit will help us ward off the spirit of apathy.

Below are some ways the spirit of apathy can manifest in our tongue, behaviors, attitudes and even our physical body:

Statements that attract the spirit of apathy

-I wish I could just stay in bed today

-I don’t feel like doing anything; I’m so bored

-What’s the point? Why even try?

-I just won’t say anything, no one listens to me anyway

-I’m worthless, useless, inadequate, incompetent

-No one cares

-God doesn’t care about me

Behaviors/Attitudes manifested from Apathy

-Lost of passion for God, your life, or your purpose


-Unresponsive to worship, God’s word, or His gestures to woo your heart


-Not adhering to spiritual disciplines such as attending worship service, reading the Word, or spending time with brethren in the faith

-Pessimistic/Negative attitude

-Self-pity; Self loathing

Physical symptoms of Apathy



-Loss of appetite

If not healed and addressed the spirit of apathy can open doors to the spirit of dread, depression, fear, anxiety, and worry if not already accompanied by them.

Here are some ways you can combat the spirit of apathy so that you can feel alive again and trust in God to fulfill all His promises concerning you, even if it takes longer than you expected:

1. Humble yourself before God, commit your ways to Him, and renew your mind

2. Adhere to a daily routine and prioritize your time

3. Meditate on scriptures that combat your negative feelings, thoughts, and experiences

4. Write the blueprint or vision God gave you and keep it before your eyes weekly

5. Build your house on the solid rock of Jesus and when things get shaky rely on Him

6. Do your part and practice self-control to see the vision come to pass

7. Take time to rest, enjoy your life, and celebrate your wins

Scriptures to mediate on: James 4:10, Galatians 6:9, Romans 12:11, 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, Philippians 4:6-7, Hebrews 11:6, Psalm 16, Acts 2:28



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