The Process to the Promised Place: Your Pain is Announcing your Time of Birth
In 2023 we are still in the vain of the spirit of Abraham and discussing the journey to your promised place (check out previous blogs for more on this theme)...This month (the ninth month of the year) we are going to be talking about the PROCESS to the promise.
The promised place is for a processed people. The process can be likened unto a BIRTHING process. This is one of my favorite metaphors in the bible because as a woman we can definitely relate to this experience even if we have not physically birthed a child.
In today’s blog we are going to talk about the PAIN of the process of birthing the promise….
In life we experience many types and variations of pain and one thing the medical field has taught me about pain is that pain is subjective. This means that pain is a personal experience that is defined by the individual. No one can say how much pain you are experiencing or the type because it is felt by you.
The pain of your process is unique and cannot be compared to someone else's.
Many times when we are experiencing heavy burdens, temptations, or trials we want to find ways to numb the pain or uncomfortable feelings associated with our experience. We say, “If I can just have some relief from this pain, I can bare this.” The mother of Jabez was in such distress and sorrow when she bore him that she named him “borne in pain.” How many of us can relate??
The pain can seem so much that it feels unbearable. We can even question the Lord for allowing this or accuse Him of taking us through unnecessary pain. We compare our pain with someone else’s and try to determine how much we will have to suffer based on our observations of others.
Many great leaders and people of God experience tremendous pain and suffering, but it is one way that God says we will learn obedience by enduring it. It brings greater discipline, dependence, and reverential fear of the Lord for what He has prepared for us to do. Remember God's ways are not like ours, so the way He thinks and processes us is wayyyyyyy different than what we would do.
Take more time to listen to your pain…It is actually speaking to you.
Pain in the body can mean several things…Infection, Inflammation, Muscle tares, Stress, etc.…
In Hosea 13, God spoke of the people of Ephraim that they did not discern their pain. It says in Hosea 13:13, “Pains as of a woman in childbirth come to him, but he is a child without wisdom; when the time arrives, he doesn’t have the sense to come out of the womb.” Just as it says in John 16:21, "A woman has pain in childbirth because her time has come..." God was saying their pain was to bring them to the birth canal, but instead they did not show up for their own birth.
God has deliverance waiting for the children of God, but we have to discern our due date.
Could it be that the pressure, pain, and struggle that you have been going through is an indication that your time of birth is at hand?
God is using your pain…He is molding you in the midst of your pain…and it is discerned by the SPIRIT! Your flesh can only articulate your physical experience, but your spirit articulates what you are experiencing spiritually.
You’ve got to lean into this process. It is necessary. Ask the Lord to bring understanding to your circumstance, ask the Lord to reveal His plan in your process…
As you are birthing what God has put in your spiritual womb and as you are being transformed into the image of Christ, you have to know that it won’t come without pain, a struggle, or spiritual warfare…
God will see you through the process, if you would only trust Him. There may be things that you have to do to prepare yourself and position yourself (such as denying your flesh, fasting, prayer times, etc.), but it is all necessary to have a healthy birth.
Determine today that COME WHAT MAY you will birth this…
You can’t articulate to your friends, your family, and your followers what is happening because you are in pain but God will give you the grace for the process and the fruit of your labor will speak for itself. You won’t have to explain, the baby will be a tangible manifestation of the inner work God was doing in you the whole time.